Amnis Finance introduces a secure, user-friendly and innovative liquid staking protocol that empowers users to effortlessly maximize returns on their APT tokens while unlocking their liquidity.

Airdrop rewards will be distributed to your wallet address on April 20th and 400 lucky random participants will be rewarded.

A total of $4000 worth of APT will be randomly distributed to 400 individuals, amounting to $10 each.

Please perform the tasks below to earn $10 in APT tokens.


Airdrop description:

1: Open the airdrop link.

2: Complete all task of the airdrop.

3: Submit your APT wallet address.

4: For 400 Random lucky people.


Note: Please only participate in the completely free airdrop, please don’t spend any even a penny! Remember, only participate in free airdrops


Required tools

Twitter    Telegram   Aptos wallet