Apoyield is a deflationary friction less yield product with its own token called SOUL.

Initially the number of SOUL tokens is equal to the number of citizens of earth. With every transaction 2% of the SOULS gets condemned forever and lost in hell.

Apoyield airdrop is total worth to 10 million ($1,500) of Soul tokens.


Airdrop description:

1:Open the airdrop link.

2:Follow BscFly on Twitter and Follow Apoyield on Twitter.

3:Then Retweet this tweet post and Tag 3 of your friend.

4:Comment on your Telegram username in tweet post.

5:And Join Apoyield’s Telegram group for more details.


Note: Only 10 lucky winners will be rewarded and rewards will be announced on Telegram and Twitter after the airdrop ends.


Required tools:

Telegram     Twitter