Backup is a decentralized exchange that runs on Binance Smart Chain, with lots of other features that allow you to earn and win tokens. It’s fast, cheap, and anyone can use it.

The exchange is an automatic (fallback) market maker that allows the exchange of two tokens on the Binance Smart Chain.

BackupFinance airdrop is worth to 233 Backup($7)tokens.

Also, share your referral link to earn 33 Backup tokens for each referral.


Airdrop description:

1:Open the bot airdrop link.

2:Join BackupFinance on Telegram group and channel.

3:Follow BackupFinance on Twitter.

4:Submit your BEP-20 address.

5:You will receive 233 Backup tokens.

6:Get 33 Backup tokens for each referral.


Note: This airdrop token will be distributed to your wallet address on June 10th and please remember that all airdrop tokens are free, please don’t spend a penny for airdrops tokens.


Required tools:

Telegram     Twitter    BEP20 address