Difo Network is a token-governed digital jurisdiction that focuses on creating the best conditions for true global economic growth.

The Difo Network is an ecosystem where organizations, entrepreneurs, and investors can securely transact without risk of technical bugs or malicious parties.

Difo Network airdrop is worth to 5 DIFO($25)tokens.

Also, share your referral link to earn 0.5 DIFO tokens for each referral.


Airdrop description:

1:Open the bot airdrop link.

2:Join Difo Network on Telegram group and channel.

3:Follow Difo Network on Twitter.

4:Submit your ERC-20 address.

5:You will receive 5 DIFO tokens.

6:Get 0.5 DIFO tokens for each referral.


Note: DFN airdrop tokens will be distributed to your Erc20 wallet address on April 1 and please remember don’t spend a penny for airdrops tokens


Required tools:

Telegram     Twitter    ETH address    Youtube