Dotmarketcap is a website where you can find data of prices, charts, capitalization as well as the latest information and analysis of entire projects on the Polkadot ecosystem.

The DMC concept is the most accurate and general indicator to measure the overall development of the Polkadot ecosystem.

Dotmarketcap airdropped a total of $1,000 in DOT tokens to 20 lucky participants.


Airdrop description:

1:Open the airdrop link.

2:Join on telegram channel of Bitcounty and Dotmarketcap.

3:Follow Bitcounty on Twitter and use hashtag to retweet.

4:Learn about Bitcounty and answer the quiz questions.

5:You can find the correct answer to the quiz in this group.


Note: Only 20 lucky participants can get rewards, each will get $50 DOT tokens and the rewards will be distributed around April 23.


Required tools:

Telegram     Twitter    BEP20 address