The Jobchain® Mission is to create a platform that can facilitate the process of connecting diverse service providers and users, including but not limited to hiring and being hired anytime, anywhere, and getting compensated instantly in cryptocurrency while being able to preserve the rights as an employer

Jobchain airdrop is worth to 2,100Job(N/A)tokens.

Also, share your referral link to earn 100 Job tokens for each referral.


Airdrop description:

1:Register and verify your mailbox.

2: Join Jobchain onTelegram group.

3:Complete other tasks.

4:You will receive 2,100 Job tokens.

5:Get 100 tokens for each referral.


Note:Job tokens already listed on coingecko and Airdrop token will be distributed to your ETH wallet address on December 23.


Required tools:

Telegram  Email     Twitter    Facebook      Eth address