Metaoasis is an all-in-one Web3 publishing platform, building a digital-native, interactive world.

Activity Duration: March 3rd to March 10th (calculated in GMT+7 timezone)

Airdrop Timing: The airdrop of draw card items will be completed within 24 hours of the next natural day of the activity.

Plant space trees, earn points to exchange for KIWI and #airdropped tokens!


Airdrop description:

1: Open the airdrop link.

2: Click Draw and share the Draw.

3: Get points to level up your tree.

4: Check the post for more details.

5: Try to Share your drawings Daily and get more points.


Note: Please only participate in the completely free airdrop, please don’t spend any even a penny! Remember, only participate in free airdrops


Required tools

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