NewsRme Limited is a Company based in the UK and works worldwide. We provide our Users with the confidence to show their reporting skills, connect with other reporters, and their viewers, win prizes, and much more!

10,000 people on a first-come, first-served basis will each get 35,000 NewsRme tokens.

5000 lucky winners will also get 35,000 NewsRme tokens each.

Referral rewards:
Top1-100: 350,000 35,000 NewsRme
Top 101-200: 200,000 35,000 NewsRme


Airdrop description:

1: Open the airdrop link.

2: Join NewsRme on Telegram group and channel.

3: Follow NewsRme on Twitter.

4: Submit registered email address.

5: For the first 10,000 eligible user.


Note: Please only participate in the completely free airdrop, please don’t spend any even a penny! Remember, only participate in free airdrops


Required tools

Telegram     Twitter    BSC address