VirgoX provides extensive stablecoin trading pairs and incubates stablecoin projects from early stages. With its complete ecosystem ranging from spot & contract trading, lending,payments & remittance,VirgoX is able to offer sustainable values to global stablecoin projects and traders.

VirgoX toatl airdrop is worth to $200 WBTC tokens.


Airdrop description:

1:Go to VirgoX airdrop page.

2:User must follow VirgoX Exchange on Twitter.

3:Read this article to get tips and answer 3 questions correctly.

4:20 lucky winners will receive a total of $200 in WBTC.

5:The winner’s mailbox will be announced on Twitter on July 30.


Note: Please make sure to answer the question correctly and 20 lucky winners will receive a total of 200 USD WBTC rewards.


Required tools:

Twitter    Email