Web3War® (W3W) is the first-person shooter crafted by the industry-leading game developer Roll1ng Thund3rz and incubated by Zilliqa, the trailblazer in blockchain technology and the OG of Layer 1.

$5000 in $FPS tokens – in-game currency of WEB3WAR. Number of winners – 500.

Airdrop rewards will be distributed after PS tokens are listed and 500 lucky random participants will be rewarded.


Airdrop description:

1: Open the airdrop link.

2: Join Web3War on Telegram group and channel.

3: Follow Web3War on Twitter.

4: Join Web3War on the Discord group.

5: Submit your ZIL address.

6: For 500 Random lucky people.


Note: Please only participate in the completely free airdrop, please don’t spend any even a penny! Remember, only participate in free airdrops


Required tools

Telegram    Twitter    Discord   APP   ZIL address