Nelson Mandela is a Legend who inspired many around the world. Inpsired by the same principles of freedom and equality which ‘Madiba’, as he is popularly called, stood for, we are building a community where the tools and systems to create wealth are freely available without discrimination or bias.

1,050 random lucky participants will be rewarded.

Every lucky person will get $20 in DIBA tokens.


Airdrop description:

1:Open the airdrop link.

2:Join Madiba on Telegram group and channel.

3:Follow Madiba on Twitter.

4:Submit your BSC address.

5:For 1,050 Random lucky people.


Note: Please only participate in the completely free airdrop, please don’t spend any even a penny! Remember, only participate in free airdrops.


Required tools

Telegram     Twitter    BSC address